Monday, October 22, 2007

How to SELL Without SELLING, and Sell MORE

By Erik Carter After test driving the car, I sat down with the salesman. He pulled out an invoice and asked me what options I wanted. "Aren't we going to discuss the price?" I asked. He put the invoice back into the drawer, and said, "Look, if you're not interested, someone's going to come in to buy that car."
So I went down the street to another dealership. I told the salesman specifically I wanted an automatic, because I had never driven a manual transmission. He told me that the only car that had all the specifications I requested was a 5 speed. When I told him that I didn't want it, because I couldn't drive a manual, he said, "Our manuals are the easiest in the world! Here, let me show you!" And he gave me a 15 or 20 minute lesson in driving a 5 speed (which I picked up pretty quickly).
I told him I wasn't sure I wanted a manual, and that I was going to keep looking at other cars. He gave me his card and said to call him if I still wanted the car later. I test drove other cars, and ended up buying the 5 speed that this salesman taught me to drive.
Building a relationship with your customer is the best way to sell your product or service.
The first salesman could not care less about me, or a relationship. The second salesman took time to help me out.
The second salesman got the sale.
When I needed a new car a few years later, that particular company was my FIRST stop. And I bought ANOTHER car from that company (albeit at a different location). And I have recommended these cars to all my friends.
Establish relationships with your online customers, and they will buy from you repeatedly. And they will build your list, by referring their friends. And they will tell you what they are looking for, so you won't need to send out questions and do teleseminars.
Manage your customer relationships, and you can free yourself from the gurus. ERIK CARTER's focus is on improving your relationships with ALL aspects of your life, including maintaining START YOUR LIFE NOW! (, dedicated to helping you EVOLVE your customer lists into customer COMMUNITIES, as well as the FITNESS Portal (, focused on making fitness seamless with your life, and "Aggressive Pleadings For The Non-Custodial Father" (, for fathers who want to RAISE their kids, not just visit them. When all is said and done, you will be remembered by your FRIENDS, not your BANKS. Article Source:,-and-Sell-MORE&id=416558 blackhat seo blackhat yahoo search spamming seo

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Article Marketing Craze

By Trina Sonnenberg Whether you have a product or service to sell, no matter how great it is, people generally don't respond to hype, especially in the form of the written word. Which makes it all the harder for Internet marketers, being that the written word is the most often used form of online advertising. The use of video and other images are not as effective as many would have you believe either. Most of these types of presentations are based in hype as well. The online advertising solution that overcomes the hype hurdle is, of course, article marketing. What makes article marketing so effective? The reasons are many... Let's look at a few of them. First, people these days are looking for solutions to problems they face or needs they want met. They are also very hard pressed to part with their cash, in order to try something new. What people want is information. Article marketing gives it to them. Most people want information so that they can make an educated decision before spending money on anything. They don't want to be pitched. Second the whole concept of article marketing targets your audience and provides that audience with the information they seek. After they've been impressed by the information they've read, they click through to your web site and your site should close the sale. Targeting your audience is a major step in increasing sales. Why waste time marketing to a million people who are looking for something you do not have to offer them? Article marketing targets your audience in a way that no other online advertising medium can. For one thing, writing articles about your product or service and submitting them to article directories and ezines is free. Articles are then exposed to the people looking for that particular type of information. For example: You write an article about keeping your cat healthy. Publishers who have newsletters or ezines that are targeted toward your topic may publish your article to be read by a list of cat owners; your target market. (If you're not a good writer, hire one. You don't want poor writing to turn people off.) Another benefit to article marketing is the implementation of RSS feeds. If you can get your article syndicated on an RSS feed, and it is properly written for keyword optimization, you will find yourself in the search results from search engines, again putting yourself right in front of your target market. Search engines don't index and rank advertisements, like classifieds, but they do index and rank content; keyword specific articles. Furthermore, the fastest way to get your article indexed by search engines is to publish it to an RSS feed. Why? Because search engines look for fresh content and because RSS feeds are dynamic in their ability to frequently update, and with a little help from pinging services, the search engines crawl feeds more often than static web pages. Article marketing also gives you the opportunity to establish credibility with your targeted audience. Provide them with the information they seek, in a way they can understand, and a link to your site, and you've got a much greater chance of obtaining a new customer/client than if you'd thrown a bunch of hype at them. Article marketing allows you to become a Trusted Information Provider, and when your customers trust you, they will refer you to others. Article marketing is not the only online advertising solution available, but it is one that can give you an edge over other Internet marketers. Copyright 2007 Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Publisher - AdsOnQ Article Distribution and Syndication On Quikonnex Article Source: buying phentermine without prescription
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Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Primer on Bad Credit Loans

By []Greg Pashby Once upon a time, the term "bad credit loan" was thought to be a dead end situation. Today, with Americans carrying more debt than ever before, bad credit is often a way of life for millions of Americans. In fact, recent studies have estimated that 20% of Americans would fall under the category of "bad credit borrowers." While this is obviously not an ideal situation for borrowers, it has become a fact of life for many. These borrowers must turn to bad credit loans for home purchases, refinancing, home equity lines of credit. The term bad credit loan is actually a generic term for a sub prime or a hard money loan. Bad Credit Lenders are going to have a higher APR that a traditional or conforming bank loan, owing to the greater risk that a borrower poses. Bad Credit Loan Lenders always have a minimum loan amount, some as low as 5K and others as much as 100K. Bad credit loan terms vary as well, anywhere from 2-20 years. Bad credit loans are typically secured with existing equity in real estate, although this may not always be required. Often times, 25% equity is required for a lender to make a bad credit loan. Unsecured bad credit loans do not require equity or security against the loan. There are many sources for bad credit loans. The first example is for small loan amounts and is known as a check advance -- often referred to as a payday loan. In this case, the borrower issues a check against which the lender offers a bad credit loan. For larger bad credit loans, a more traditional loan process will occur -- with disclosure docs etc. These loans may take up to three weeks to process, although a private loan can take place as quickly as four days. Feel free to reprint this document as long as all the URL links are intact. Gregrey Pashby is a writer and contributor for []Bad Credit Lender who specialize in bad credit loans and hard money loan information. Bad Credit Lender provides []poor credit mortgage refinance loans, bad credit home loans, and hard money loans. In addition, Greg is one of the main contributors to the []Coastal La Jolla Funding -- A California Hard Money Lender. Article Source: mail order valium arrest defense
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Friday, October 12, 2007

Mobile Phone for The Youngsters - Superb Looks, Superior Functions

By []Amanda Dorthy Today's youngsters are very much fashion conscious. Right from their clothing habits to lifestyles-fashion is prevalent everywhere. Just take the example of the mobile phones. With 'style' becoming the word of the day, no one wants to use a phone that looks out of fashion. Youngsters prefer phones that are capable of doing multi functions simultaneously. Hence, we have got phones like Nokia N-Series, Sony Ericsson W-Series, Samsung U-Series, Motorola RAZR range and much more. These companies understand what the youngsters need and incorporate those features in their handsets that can easily grab the attention of the fashion conscious youngsters. According to a recent survey, slider and clamshell mobile phones are becoming extremely popular these days among the youngsters. While girls are preferring funky colours for their phones like Pink, Red, Orange, Blue; boys are reportedly going for either white or black. But in terms of features, the demand of both the sexes is almost similar. They need high resolution cameras, high resolution display screens, integrated music players, stereo FM radio, Internet connectivity, advanced 3G feature, Bluetooth wireless technology, embedded as well as downloadable Java games, expandable memory options and so on. The advent of the Internet has proved to be a fertile ground for the youngsters to get information on a particular handset much before its launch. What's more, there are many online mobile phone shops that offer attractive phones from Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, LG, HTC, Blackberry, Benq Siemens etc. at very affordable rates. With these online mobile phone shops, you can also find attractive mobile phone deals on your preferred handsets. The best thing with online purchasing of mobile phones is that you get the complete freedom to select your handset. Moreover, online shops are a reliable place and you get your products at your doorstep only with some clicks. So, what are you waiting for? Go for online purchasing of mobile phones and enjoy complete freedom. For more information on latest []Cheap Mobile Phones and []Mobile Phone Shops on 3 mobile, t mobile, orange, O2, Vodafone network, please visit our online []Mobile Phones Shop. Article Source:,-Superior-Functions&id=575773 buying soma online
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Am I Weird If I Date Online?

By Devlyn Steele True story: A few years back I was working with a client who had recently moved to Los Angeles. She was single, did not know many people in the big city, and felt a little lonely. I innocently suggested she give online dating a shot. It seemed like an easy and pressure-free way to meet people, and I had other clients who enjoyed their experience and were in good relationships as a result. "What kind of desperate person do you think I am?!?" she snapped. She apologized, but explained that she felt weird about online dating. This perked my curiosity, so later I asked some of my other clients if they ever tried it. Some only confessed after their faces turned three shades of crimson. Since I am a strong proponent of online dating, I dispel any stigma or embarrassment when I recommend it to my clients. This is what I tell them: For many singles, life moves like Richard Petty around the Talladega Speedway. We change jobs every few years. We relocate more frequently. We cannot remember the last time we answered a phone with a cord. Even if time is not the issue, some single people cannot shake the feeling that everyone else is happy while they are always alone. We may look at online dating as an act of desperation, because normal people dont need something like that. The simple fact is that you are not weird if you use an online dating service. We only feel weird when we think we are doing something outside the norm. Consider this: over 40 million people in the US access online dating websites every month. It is the fastest growing sector of online content. There is no reason to feel embarrassed, because if you date online you are actually part of a huge group. There is nothing wrong with wanting to find someone special, or at the very least make some new friends, so why not use every resource available to you? You do not get extra points for meeting someone in a bar or while waiting for dry socks at the Laundromat. Does it matter to you how you met the important people already in your life? You probably barely even think about it. By setting up a personal profile and a list of likes and dislikes, you invest time in yourself. More importantly, you are taking action by trying to improve yourself and your situation. You are putting yourself out there and taking control by refusing to be lonely and isolated. I have found many advantages to the Internet. The anonymity of online dating allows you to roll out of bed, hair standing in ten different directions, breath smelling like Boston Harbor at low tide then click! You stumble on a person you will be dating in a few weeks. The cost compared to going out and searching is next to nothing. You can learn more about a persons interests to see if they mesh with yours. You do not have to deal with the harshness of rejection in person. You have a huge pool of people to explore (remember, 40 million!) from all walks-of-life, people you would never have the chance to meet within your neighborhood or small circle of friends. There is also fraud and deception. You will probably come across a photo that looks eerily like Pamela Anderson right down to the copyright in the lower corner. Clients tell me about married people posing as single. Nevertheless, these issues of honesty exist both on and off-line, so do not let that stop you from finding the partner you want. With 43% of the U.S. population being single and with so many single clients asking me about Internet dating, I began to put a guide together to help my clients use this service effectively and safely and avoid these pitfalls. I want everyone to find the happiness they deserve and want to make this Tool book available to everyone for Free! To get your free E-Book, Tools To Internet Dating go to and get your copy today. Dont be ashamed or afraid, learn the best and safest way to use the Internet to take control of your life and find the person you deserve! About The Author Devlyn Steele ("America's Leading Life-Coach") has been a public consultant and a private counselor for over 15 years. A Cognitive Therapist, Radio host and Columnist, Devlyn also developed Devlyn maintains a thriving practice in Hollywood, where he counsels famous actors, musicians and captains of industry. Soon his new book will be available, Relationship Tools. You can hear Coach Steele live every Tuesday on LoveBeat Radio 1310 7-9 PM. Arizona Time Article Source: generic for ultram
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Monday, October 8, 2007

Experience Speed Dating

By Graham Billingham Anyone that has been involved with speed dating will tell you that it is truly an experience. Some singles have a lot of fun with speed dating and participate regularly so that they can meet new people to share fun experiences with. Speed dating is an opportunity to meet people that will be fun to dance and party with on Saturday night, or even people that will provide long term romantic connections for you. There are a lot of different people looking for different things when it comes to speed dating, so you just might find that there is someone that is a good match for you and what you are looking for. When you go to your first speed dating event you'll want to make sure to be yourself. Dress like you would for a date, unless otherwise specified, and be prepared with some topics that you can bring up if conversation gets a bit stale. Great topics to talk about are the weather, your career, where you grew up, and what you like to do for fun. Of course, you will not only want to talk about the things that you do and like to do in your free time, but you will also want to ask your dates about these things as well. It's important when you go into the speed dating experience that you are relaxed and you don't expect to meet your soul mate there. The fact of the matter is that you may meet your soul mate, but it's better to not have that sort of expectation. Simply go with the expectation that you may or may not meet some people that are worthy of another date or two. When you approach the situation like that you will be happy when you meet someone that really seems to be someone special. Speed dating is supposed to be fun, so concentrate on the element of fun. Even if the person that sits down across from you is not attractive, is not personable, and is not at all interesting, make the most of it. The easier you make your interactions with each person the quicker time will go by and the next person may be just what you have been looking for! It's likely that your speed dating experience will fly by. You may be a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but after a couple rounds you'll find yourself fitting into the routine quite well. Just try to relax, and remember to be yourself! Graham Billingham writes for DrDating is a great
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Samsung D900 - Get Captivated

By []Martin Dev The Samsung D900 is the latest addition to the Ultra Slim edition by Samsung. The D900 is the world's slimmest slider phone. With a thickness of just 12.9 mm, the phone shows an elegant style and the ultra slim phone is uploaded with the best features and comes equipped with a variety if advanced features that makes it one of the best phones available in the global market. The handset has a multihued TFT screen that measures 32 x 42 mm and can be viewed in both the modes- when the handset is in its closed or open position. The screen helps to provides users with a 240 x 320 pixel screen resolution which gives out an intense, bright and colorful display quality. The handset measures only 12.9mm wide thus making it slim and a user friendly handset for users. The handset weighs 85 grams which is light enough for user to carry and use. By just sliding the phone one can access the innumerable features and functions. The ultra slim gadget does not compromise on its features. Equipped with the best features the phone has a 3.15 megapixel camera that supports auto focus, flash and guarantees excellent picture and video quality. The phone comes with an in built music player that supports MP3, AAC & ACC+ music formats and plays your favourite songs and enjoy. The phone has a versatility attached to it. Whether it's the general mass or the business class, the phone has something to offer to all. It caters to the business needs also. The gadget is has support by office tools like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and many more tools that helps you from anywhere and at anytime. You can even synchronize your emails and keep in ouch from anywhere. The Samsung D900 comes with a 60 MB Memory Plus MicroSD Memory Card. With a talk time of up to 3.5 hours and a 250 hours standby, the phone comes with a handsfree speaker phone. A great looker and a great featured phone the phone is here to captivate everyone. Here is the Samsung D900 to cast a spell and it's a sheer pleasure to get captivated by it. So get yourself a Samsung D900 and indulge yourself in its beauty. []Mobile Phone Deals a complete stand of offers you []Samsung D900 mobile phones with best networks on []Samsung D900 Red with 3 to 12 months deals. Article Source: